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Tempus Crossmedia and Quality Journalism

By June 30, 2023No Comments

The Tempus-project „Crossmedia und Qualitätsjournalismus. Innovationen für eine universitäre Journalistenausbildung in der vernetzten Gesellschaft“ („Crossmedia and Quality Journalism. Innovations for a university journalistic education in the interconnected society“) is dedicated to the modernization of journalistic training in the Ukraine and Moldavia according to the Bologna criteria and the Lisbon strategy.

The main goal is represented by the assurance and consolidation of the employability of graduates as well as the future viability of the journalistic training at university level. This will be accomplished by means of know-how and technology-transfer in modern media-technologies and curricular requirements applied on the emerging changes in the world of media and its effects on the journalistic profession.

The University of Passau as project coordinator is equipped since 2012 with the most modern crossmedia center in the midst of European universities and is, according to the CHE-ranking, the leading university regarding theoretical-practical connection within the journalistic training. The University of Sibiu possesses the best intercultural and specialized points of intersection between Western and Eastern Europe. The University of Vienna is leading in the field of theoretical funding of the structural changes in the public sphere.

The CuQ-Project is incorporating the requirements of the media industry and those of the society (NGOs) in terms of employability in the curricular development. The aim is a sustainable, dual oriented network university-media industry (the Dortmund-Model), equitable as a win-win-situation for both spheres of interest, reaching as far as contractually guaranteed workplaces are concerned. Furthermore, a communication science network is attempted to be created by means of networking and dissemination. Its purpose is that of sustainably promoting the connection to the media-policy sphere via expert status and Think-Thank-Idea. The intensive incorporation of ministries and government agencies is intended to assure the maximal project output on a long-term basis and to strengthen the administrative competences on the operative level of the university chairs. The long-term objective is represented by cooperating courses of studies all over Europe serving as models.


Project’s website

Activităţi realizate în baza proiectului AICI

Ziarul realizat de către studenţii din Moldova în cadrul Şcolii de Vară (10-18 iulie 2014), organizată în baza proiectului