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Today, May 21, 2024, a public lecture titled “Europe: Our European Compass” took place.

The event was opened by Ms. Irina Cerneauscaite, Director of DIB, who informed the participants about Europe Days at ULIM and the events that will take place within the EU Information Center at ULIM.

Ms. Valentina Ciumacenco, PhD, Associate Professor, and Vice-Rector for International Relations, delivered a welcome message in which she emphasized the essential role of education in the development of society, quoting the memorable words of Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

The main guest, Mr. Daniel Funeriu, EU High Counselor in the field of education and research, described through a series of images and personal stories the experiences that shaped him and the lessons he learned along the way. His presentation was not just a recounting of personal successes but also a comparison between his own evolution and the journey of the Republic of Moldova within the European Union. This parallel offered a unique perspective on how perseverance and dedication can bring about significant changes both on an individual and national level.

The event concluded with a Q&A session, where participants had the opportunity to interact directly with Mr. Funeriu. Questions ranged from personal aspects of his career to insights on the future of education and European integration.

We thank everyone for their participation and interest in this event. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming activities!