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Center for Korean Language and culture “Se Jong”

Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) gives you the opportunity to strengthen your body through work and your mind through education, CCLC is the green branch that is ready to keep your shade while you study the language, culture and tradition of South Korea.

The center was founded with the support of the Embassy of South Korea in Kiev and several organizations like Korea economic Agency, the Korean company LG, Samsung, Ceragem, in cooperation with ULIM.

Center for Korean Language and Culture is a novelty for our country, it’s  objective is to promote the educational, economic and cultural relations between Republic of Moldova and the Republic of South Korea.

The agreement of opening the Center for Korean Language and Culture was signed on September 23, 2008, as a result of fruitful partnership relations established between the Free International University of Moldova and the South Korea Embassy.

The Center was inaugurated on 5 December 2008 within ULIM.  Thanks to the launch of this project, the Republic of Moldova become member of the international network Oversea Koreans Foundation that has subdivision in 93 countries and 584 organizations etc.

At the official opening of the Center were present ULIM’s Rector, Academician Andrei Galben, ULIM’s Prime vice-rector Ana Gutu, Director of the Center for International Cooperation ULIM, Mr. Gerhard Ohrband, His Excellency, the Ambassador of South Korea, Mr. Park Ro Biek, and the founders of the center Mr. Han Jin Ho and Ms. Kim Won Sim, and the delegation from “Korea’s economic Agency”.

Today the Center of Korean Language and Culture within ULIM has a class fully equipped room to assure modern studies, a high-performing office, a small conferences hall and different teaching materials, all sponsored by South Korea’s Embassy and O.K.F from Korea.  The teachers have a rich experience in teaching Korean: Mr. Han Ho Jijn (Director of the Center for Korean Language and culture), Ms. Kim Won Sim (Director of the Department of Asian languages within ULIM).                      .

Center for Korean Language and culture tends to become a strong Institute with the same name “Se Jong” where students will have the opportunity to study not only the Korean language but also the culture of the eastern horizon etc.

We invite you to become a student of the Center for Korean Language and Culture, which, together with ULIM, can become your way to Korea.


  • Academic exchange for students from Korea and Moldova;
  • Academic exchange for teachers from both sides;
  • Course of Korean language;
  • Organization of cultural events;
  • Networking with universities in South Korea;
  • Intensifying relationships with enterprises of South Korea;
  • films and informative documentary presentation;
  • Organization of conferences and seminars



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