Aula State of Qatar
June 30, 2023Aula Statului QatarIn the context of ULIM Days, on October 17, the inauguration of the Aula State...

Aula Italy
June 30, 2023Aula ItaliaInaugurarea Aulei Italia Ambassador of Italy promises important support in studying the Italian language and...

Aula Ukraine
June 30, 2023Aula Ucraina,UncategorizedOn March 9, 2010 within Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), took place the inauguration...

Aula Hungary
June 30, 2023Aula UngariaOn February 2nd, 2010 within Free International University of Moldova it took place the inauguration...

Aula Turkey
June 30, 2023UncategorizedOn February 10, within Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration of Aula...

Aula of Slovak Republic
June 30, 2023Aula SlovaciaOn May 6, 2010 within ULIM it took place the inauguration of the Slovak Republic...

Aula Spain
June 30, 2023Aula SpaniaWithin the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration ceremony of Aula Spain...

Aula Switzerland
June 30, 2023Aula ElvețiaOn October 20, within Free International University of Moldova was inaugurated the “Aula Switzerland”. The...

Aula Sweden
June 30, 2023UncategorizedOn February 15, 2010 within Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) it took place the...

Aula Romania
June 30, 2023Aula RomâniaMr. Titus CORLĂŢEAN, Foreign Minister of Romania was with an official visit on Tuesday, November...

Aula Russian Federation
June 30, 2023Aula Federaţia RusăOn December 9th, 2009 within the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration...

Aula Portugal
June 30, 2023Aula PortugaliaOn March 1st, 2010 within Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration of...

Aula Poland
June 30, 2023Aula PoloniaOn May 11th, in room 302 took place the Opening Ceremony of „Aula Poland”. The...

Aula Lithuania
June 30, 2023Aula LituaniaOn January 27, 2010 took place the inauguration of Lithuania Room at ULIM, chaired by...

Aula Netherlands
June 30, 2023Aula OlandaÎn incinta Universității Libere Internaționale din Moldova a avut loc ceremonia de inaugurare a Aulei...

Aula Norway
June 30, 2023Aula NorvegiaOn May 14, 2010 took place the official opening of Norway Auditorium within Free International...

Aula Indonesia
June 30, 2023Aula IndoneziaOn April 14th, within Free International University of Moldova, took place the Inauguration of „Aula...

Aula Israel
June 30, 2023Aula IsraelWithin the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration ceremony of Aula Israel...

Aula Germany
June 30, 2023Aula GermaniaOn June 17, 2009 within Free International University of Moldova was inaugurated the German Aula...

Aula Georgia
June 30, 2023Aula GeorgiaWithin the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration ceremony of Aula Georgia...

Aula Finland
June 30, 2023Aula FinlandaOn March 10, 2010 within the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), took place the...

Aula France
June 30, 2023UncategorizedWithin the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration ceremony of Aula France...

Aula Denmark
June 30, 2023Aula DanemarcaWithin the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration ceremony of Aula Denmark...

Aula China
June 30, 2023UncategorizedOn 29th of September within the Free International University of Moldova was inaugurated the Institute...

Aula Canada
June 30, 2023Aula CanadaOn May 12, 2010 within the Free International University of Moldova took place the inauguration...

Aula Chile
June 30, 2023Aula ChileOn December 3, 2009 within the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) took place the...