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On campus

The university offers accommodation for international students in University Hostel. The number of places is limited, so be sure to fill in and submit the Accommodation Form (downloadable from our site) to the Foreign Students Department before the deadline expires. The department in charge will make all the necessary arrangements for your accommodation. Your place is not reserved until you receive the confirmation.

The university offers accommodation also for international students in University Hotel “Europa”.

Download Accomodation Form

Renting an apartment
If you want to rent an apartment or a house in the city we strongly advise you to contact a real-estate agency (agenţie imobiliară). They can provide you with information about the most interesting offers on the market. You will have to sign a contract with them in which you agree to pay a commission fee, usually 50% of the rent for 1 month. You can find a two-room flat at 200 – 250 EUR per month. It may or may not be furnished. You will have to pay separately for all utilities: water, electricity, gas, telephone, etc. A deposit representing the rent for the first three months is usually required. It will be refunded at the end of your stay, provided that you leave the flat in good condition.
You should sign a contract with the landlord and this should be registered at the notary.  In order to register the contract, you will need the following documents:

  • Your passport or the temporary residence permit (original and a photocopy);
  • Your landlord’s ID (original and a photocopy);
  • A lease contract, in 3 copies (usually provided by the real-estate agency);

NOTE: in case you decide to rent an apartment, it is imperative that you sign a contract and have it registered at the administration, because you will need it in order to apply for the temporary residence permit.

Of course, there are also other ways to find out what’s on the market, namely by reading the classifieds column of the newspapers. The “Makler” weekly magazine (the market from A to Z), available and on line  with hundreds of classifieds about home rentals or consult some other useful links:


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