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Health Insurance

To enter the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens need a travel medical insurance.

Public health insurance – after receiving the residence permit, you may subscribe to a general practitioner during the period you are a student at Free International University of Moldova. You can choose any general practice clinic; the list with all their names and addresses is available at the National Health Insurance Company’s Office

Private health insurance – usually, the risks covered are: emergency care, unpredictable disease, prescription medicine and basic dental care, etc. Depending on the insurance type, you can also get temporary/permanent disability coverage, rehabilitation and physical therapy, etc. You can buy health insurance policies varying between 1 month and 12 months; you can choose to fully cover the entire amount or make separate payments.

Medical Treatment in the Republic of Moldova

In case you find yourself in need of medical assistance, you can go to any authorized medical unit, public or private. Some private health insurance companies will refer you to a specific clinic or hospital that they have a contract with. You will be issued a medical bill, stating all the procedures, interventions, medication, etc. Within 30 days, your health insurance company should cover the related expenditures. This means that, in case your insurance company has a contract with the medical unit you received treatment from, the bill will be settled between the insurance company and the medical unit. You won’t have to pay anything. In case the medical unit doesn’t have a contract with your insurance company, you will have to pay the bill and apply for a refund from the insurance company; you should receive your money within 30 days. Ask your insurance company to give you the list of all the medical units they are working with. It is important to note that, should any emergency/disease occur, you will need valid identification and residence documents in order to get proper medical assistance.

Public Hospitals in the Republic of Moldova


(str. Toma Ciorba, 1 , MD 2004 Chisinau ,Moldova Tel: +373 22 237884)

Republican Clinic Hospital

(str. N. Testemiţanu, 29 , MD 2025,Moldova, Tel: +373 22 40 36 22)


Private Hospitals

Medpark International Hospital

MD- 2024, Moldova, Chisinau, Andrei Doga, 24
Tel. (+373) 22 400 040


Galaxy Center of Family Health

mun.Chisinau, str.Alexandru cel Bun, 54

tel.: +373-22-858400; +373-22-858500; +373-22-858511; +373-22-858411

Others available at ecatalogue:

Drug stores

You can find more information about pharmacies at:


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