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The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has met for the 2nd Consortium meeting, organized by the project Grant coordinator, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The meeting has been realized online via ZOOM platform on June 21st, 2021.

The project consortium has met to discuss the realization of the COOPERA project activities. The  Grant coordinator – dr. Olesea SIRBU has presented the Operational plan for the 1st year, pointing out the activities achieved and upcoming deadlines.

The realization of the surveys of companies needs for DHE (WP1/A1.2.1) has been started. All the partner universities from Moldova and Ukraine are involved in preliminary preparation for the survey’s implementation. Moreover, the consortium has been informed about the preliminary dated of the Study Visits to the European partner universities, that will take place starting from September 2021.

A special time has been dedicated to the Dissemination chapter of the project (WP6). The COOPERA grant coordinator presented the project logo and informed about the project webpage, that is being under construction. Moreover, all the project partners has been informed about the importance of dissemination of the information about the project in national language through institutional and social media platforms.

In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.



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