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The consortium of the ERASMUS+ project “INTEGRATING DUAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE – COOPERA”, (reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) has met for the 3rd  Management meeting, organized by the project Grant coordinator, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The meeting has been realized online via ZOOM platform on September 3rd, 2021.


The institutional coordinators of the project partner institutions has met to discuss the state of art of the projects activities. The updated Operational plan of the COOPERA project has been presented by the  Grant coordinator – dr. Olesea SIRBU. A special attention has been stressed on the organization of the Expert Workshop, edition 1, that will be organized by the Coordinating institution P1-ASEM and hosted by the Project partner P3-ULIM.

In order to see a detailed information, please see MINUTES of the meeting.